As part of our commitment to customer service excellence, we take complaints seriously. We hope you find our service exceeds your expectations; however, we do realise that in any organisation situations can arise which are not satisfactory for all parties.
We can often resolve concerns right away, so please get in touch with your usual contact or alternatively please call or write to Justine Gibson, at the address shown below or email providing details of your complaint.
Monument House
74-76 Southgate
NG34 7RL
01529 302 849
We will endeavour to act fairly and reasonably at all times and provide you with a professional service. If you cannot resolve your complaint with us, you may be entitled to refer it to the FOS to which we subscribe. We will provide full details in our response if this is possible.
The FOS Consumer Helpline is on 0300 1239 123 and their address is:
Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
E14 9SR
Their website is
The FOS is available to Retail (private) Customers and, Commercial Customers which employ fewer than ten persons and whose annual turnover and/or annual balance sheet does not exceed €2M (Euros).